27 February 2009

WIP: Genris Mage

So I like coloring other people's linearts :V


fuck you metro station.

26 February 2009

Further Work on Jordan's Commission

I like this a lot...and so does he ^_^ I was able to get a hold of him

25 February 2009

Commission for Jordan

A WIP of my commission for my awesome friend Jordan. Ech, anatomy errors everywhere. *silences critique crowd*

23 February 2009

Wow I can get sexual too...

a doodle for my friend Myst. I hope to color it soon. He's a very good friend of mine.

18 February 2009

WIP: I'm Ready

original sketch done while listening to Jack's Manneqiun's "I'm Ready"

WIP in Photoshop. I'm really liking the scales. I got the brushes for them at http://mental-floss.deviantart.com

13 February 2009


everyone should listen to iwrestledabearonce

yea boiiiiii. Ganked the outfit from the video!

10 February 2009

Work In Progress- Panty Grinder

Because why the fuck not? :P

Original Sketch

WIP of the painting thus far

09 February 2009


Secret Project coming up, must improve my human anatomy D:

Heres a buncha heads.

No crits por favor :P

03 February 2009

Commission WIP

Poe Ragtag won a $15 2 character cel shade commission on FurBuy. I need to get this done by Valentine's Day. I started sketching today but I lost the drive. Ah well. I'll pick up the slack tomorrow.

02 February 2009

Work in Progress: Hermaphrodite Koze

Obviously click for the 1024x768 fullsize shit.

Here's the slightly less naughty version.

I gave Koze a dog dick because A. She's half fox, B. Bat dicks are boring, and C. I'm a bisexual furfag and I love tits and dong :B

Enjoy! I'm using a tutorial that Paisely had made. I feel kinda bad for using it to color a sickly murrypurry fetish.


edit: I love blogspot for checking my HTML coding before posting <3

Now playing on Winamp: Metro Station - Control
via FoxyTunes